iOS 15 Includes New Built-In Password Authenticator Eliminating Need For Google Authenticator and Authy

BY Sanuj Bhatia

Published 7 Jun 2021

iOS 15

Apple announced iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 with a plethora of features today. The new update for iOS includes so many features that Apple was not able to cover all of them during the keynote. One of these features is the in-built password authenticator app that eliminates the need for Google Authenticator and Authy.

Currently, two-factor authentication in third-party apps has to rely on Google Authenticator and Authy for secure sign-in. A new feature of iOS 15 lets third-party apps generate security codes just like Apple does for its own apps. Using this feature, an iPhone user would not have to install third-party authentication apps.

“Generate verification codes needed for additional sign-in security. If a site offers two-factor authentication, you can set up verification codes under Passwords in Settings — no need to download an additional app. Once set up, verification codes autofill when you sign in to the site.”

Read: The Best iOS 15 Features for iPhone Users

You’ll be able to set up verification codes under Passwords in the Settings app. Once the setup is complete, verification codes will autofill when you sign into a site making the sign-in process faster and easier.

What do you think about the features in iOS 15? What are your best iOS 15 features? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.