iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 Beta 2: What’s New

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 8 Jul 2020

iOS 14 Home screen Widgets

Apple today released the second beta of iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 for developers and advanced users who had installed the original beta on their iPhone or iPad. The second beta of iOS 4 and iPadOS 14 comes with some minor tweaks and improvements along with a number of bug fixes. Here’s everything that Apple has changed or introduced in iOS 14 beta 2 below.

Most of the changes in iOS 14 beta 2 are minor ones, with Apple also adding some new features that it had mentioned at WWDC 2020 but were missing in the original beta.

iOS 14 Beta 2: Everything That’s New

Cannot Install Update When Audio is Playing

You cannot install the iOS 14 beta 2 update on your iPhone if it is playing back any kind of audio.

New Calendar Icon

There’s a new icon for the Calendar app in iOS 14 beta 2.

Tweaked Clock Icon

The hands of the clock icon have been tweaked to make them slightly thicker.

Haptics in the Music app

You will get haptic feedback in the Music app when you press the play, pause, or forward button.

Universal Clipboard Notification

A notification containing the device name will show up when you paste contents from your other iCloud-linked devices on your iPhone.

New Files Widget

There’s a new Files widget in iOS 14 beta 2 that shows your recent files.

Delete Apps from App Library

You can now directly delete an application on your iPhone from the App Library instead of only removing it from the library.

Disable Animated Cover Art

There’s an option to disable the animated cover art in the Music app.

Privacy Warning for Wi-Fi Networks

You will get a privacy warning when you join Wi-Fi networks that do not have a private Wi-Fi address.

Improved Reminders Widget

The Reminders widget has been tweaked in iOS 14 beta 2 and it now shows the first reminder instead of just the total number of reminders.

iOS 14 Beta 2 Reminders Widget

Control Center Tweaks

The Control Center will now display the apps that have recently accessed your microphone or camera at the top.

Fixed Weather App

This is more of a bug fix than a new feature, but the Weather app has been fixed in iOS 14 beta 2. It no longer shows the weather of Cupertino irrespective of your location.

PiP Behavior Change

A small but important change in iOS 14 beta 2 is related to the Picture-in-Picture feature. It will now cycle through three different sizes when double-tapped — small, medium, and large. Previously, it would cycle through only the small and large sizes.

Pill Alert for Disabled Location Services

A pill alert notification will be shown in iOS 14 beta 2 when one has the Apple Maps or any other similar app open which requires access to location services.

New Family Sharing Icon

There’s a new icon for Family Sharing in the Settings app.

No Access to Custom Fonts

Third-party apps can no longer access custom font configuration in iOS 14 beta 2.

Ability to Select Default Apps on HomePod

You can now select the default music service and app for podcasts and audiobooks on the HomePod.

You can find a video highlighting even more changes in iOS 14 beta 2 below.

These are all the changes that we have discovered Apple has made in iOS 14 beta 2. There are likely going to be other changes as well and if you come across them, drop a comment and let our readers know about them!

While Apple is expected to announce the iOS 14 public beta program later this week, you can always install the developer beta on your iPhone right away if you wish to. There are plenty of other new features in iOS 14 that you should also check out.

[Via r/iOSBeta]