RecordPause: Jailbreak Tweak lets you pause and resume video recordings with Camera app

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 27 Mar 2015


There are times when you want to pause a video recording and resume it later. Unfortunately, this is not possible in iOS 8 as you can only stop a video recording once started unlike other social networking apps which offer pause/resume features as well.

RecordPause is a new jailbreak tweak that opens the door to new video recording features for the Camera app. As the name implies, the tweak allows users to easily pause a video while recording as well as resume it later.

Once you install RecordPause, there’s nothing much you have to do as it will be enabled by default and doesn’t require any additional configuration. Simply launch the Camera app and start recording a video.

When you want to pause the recording, all you have to do is to tap once on the timer that appears at the top of the screen. You’ll notice that it changes color from white to yellow indicating that the video has been paused. The timer will also stop increasing.

To resume a video recording after it has been paused, you just have to tap on the timer again and it will resume. The timer and the stop button will switch back to their default color.

RecordPause brings a new feature that many of us have been waiting for. It will definitely come in handy to users who shoot videos frequently with their iPhone.

If you’re interested to give this tweak a try, it can be downloaded for free via Cydia’s BigBoss repo. Leave your opinion about the tweak in the comments section below.