SafariRefresh: Jailbreak Tweak lets you Pull To Refresh in Safari

BY Jason

Published 10 Nov 2014


While Pull to Refresh has become a standard control in most iOS apps to refresh the content on screen, Safari still relies on a refresh button to reload a webpage.

SafariRefresh is a new jailbreak tweak that lets you refresh webpages in Safari just by pulling content down using the standard refresh control seen in many iOS apps.

The tweak is especially useful on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, where the refresh button is located at the top, making it hard to press it when using your device with one hand. With the tweak, you can simply pull down the webpage to trigger a refresh.

The tweak is available for free on the Big Boss repo. For interested developers, the tweak’s source code is available on GitHub.

Let us know what you think of SafariRefresh in the comments below.