iOS 7 vs. iOS 6: App icons comparison chart

BY Jason

Published 11 Jun 2013


Apple unveiled iOS 7 at WWDC 2013 Keynote address yesterday, which features a completely redesigned user interface and new features such as Control Center, AirDrop for iOS, smarter multitasking and iTunes Radio.

As part of the redesign, Apple has also redesigned the app icons to go with the flatter design.

Sentry, UI designer of the jailbreak tweaks such as Auxo points out that Apple has marginally increased the size of the app icons from 114 pixels to 120 pixels in iOS 7.

Twitter user @pawsupforu (via iClarified) has created a comparison chart which compares icons of 24 iOS apps developed by Apple in iOS 6 and iOS 7. Do you like the iOS 7 app icons? Let us know in the comments.
